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856.861.4236 Dog Bite Laws You Need to Know September 2, 2022
Most people aren’t aware of New Jersey’s dog bite laws until they’re the victim of a dog bite or their dog bites someone. Here are a few New Jersey dog bite laws you should know: New Jersey is a Strict Liability State New Jersey is a strict liability state when it comes to dog bites. This means that you don’t have to prove liability if someone’s dog bites you. In most personal injury cases, you must prove that the responsible person was negligent. In a dog bite case, you don’t. The dog’s owner is…
read more How to Recover Compensation in a Rental Car Accident August 20, 2022
Car accidents are never convenient. They prevent you from reaching your destination and leave you with costly damages. Working with an insurance company can be difficult. Some situations can make dealing with a car accident even more overwhelming, including when you’re in an accident with a rental car. Continue reading to find out how to recover compensation in a rental car accident. Who’s Liable in a Rental Car Accident? Liability in a rental car accident depends on a few factors. The fact that someone involved in the accident was driving a rental car isn’t initially important. First,…
read more What Should You Do After a NJ Truck Accident? August 6, 2022
Truck accidents are frequently severe and life-changing. The increased size of a commercial truck is usually too large of an impact for smaller pedestrian vehicles. While medical care should always be a priority following a truck accident, there are a few additional things to do to protect your legal rights. Notify the Police You should always notify the police and file a police report following a truck accident. This creates evidence of the truck accident, which may be important if you decide to pursue compensation later. Another good reason to notify the police is so that they…
read more How a Criminal Conviction Affects Your Life July 11, 2022
Criminal charges often come with harsh consequences. You may be subject to expensive fines and even jail time. While many people are focused on the immediate consequences of a criminal conviction, there are also long-term effects to consider. Learn how a criminal conviction can affect other aspects of your life. Limits Your Career Opportunities Even after you have served your jail time and met all the requirements of your conviction, you may still find it difficult to find a job. A criminal conviction limits certain career opportunities. You may not be eligible for certain professional licenses depending on…
read more Important Steps to Help Preserve Witness Testimony July 9, 2022
Witness testimony is a powerful addition to any legal case. Whether you’re filing for damages following an injury or trying to clear your name against criminal charges, a witness can be especially beneficial. Witnesses are usually time-sensitive. People can easily forget important details and fast. Learn how to help preserve a witness testimony. What Does it Mean to Preserve a Witness Testimony? Preserving a witness testimony means detailing and documenting the witness’ story before they forget the important details. Court cases can be long, and it’s not uncommon for a witness to forget important details when they’re called…
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