Penalties for Child Internet Pornography in NJ

The occurrence of child pornography has increased with the popularity of the internet. Most people have access to the internet, not only in their homes but also on their smartphones. In an attempt to deal with the increase in child internet pornography, New Jersey has taken a strict stance to protect children.
Child Pornography Consequences in New Jersey
The potential consequences of child internet pornography in New Jersey depend on the details of the crime.
Possession of Child Pornography
The possession of child pornography in New Jersey is a fourth-degree crime. This can lead to a maximum of 18 months in prison and legal fines of up to $10,000. Possession of child pornography in New Jersey requires the convicted offender to knowingly possess or view illegal child pornography.
Distribution of Child Pornography
The distribution of child pornography in New Jersey is a second-degree charge. Second-degree crimes lead to a maximum of between 5-10 years in prison and legal fines of up to $250,000. To be convicted of distribution of child pornography in New Jersey, the convicted offender must knowingly sell, give, provide, or another type of distribution of child pornography.
Other details can affect the charges. For example, the age of the child and the type of material can affect the charges.
What is the Public Sex Offender Registration?
In addition to prison time and fines, convicted offenders may also be required to register with the public sex offenders list. New Jersey’s public sex offender list is referred to as Megan’s Law. When you register with Megan’s Law, you must follow certain reporting requirements like permanent parole.
A few requirements of Megan’s Law may include:
- Maintain regular contact with the police
- Avoid living in prohibited areas, like too near schools or playgrounds
- Prohibition of attending family or other events with children
- Inability to have child custody
Registered offenders on Megan’s Law are rated by tiers. The level of tier determines the level of risk the state considers an offender to be. While it’s possible to be removed from Megan’s Law after 15 or more years, the requirements are strict. It’s typically not easy to get removed from the list. There are also certain details that can prevent a person from ever applying to be removed from the list.
Other Consequences of a Child Pornography Conviction
In addition to prison time and expensive fines, convicted offenders are also likely to experience even more consequences. There is often a social stigma present with child pornography charges and registration with Megan’s List. Parents may be prevented from moving too close to their child’s school. They may even be prevented from attending children’s events.
Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
A child pornography conviction can have a long-lasting effect on your future. It can dictate where you can live, or work. It can make it difficult to navigate child custody agreements. If you’re being charged with child pornography, it’s crucial that you reach out to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. The risks to your future are too great and the damage to your reputation is often irreversible. You have a limited time to explore your legal defense options, so consider them as soon as you can.
Contact an Experienced Camden County Criminal Defense Lawyer About Your Child Pornography Charges in New Jersey
Were you arrested or charged with child pornography in New Jersey? The consequences of a conviction could be severe, leaving you with a permanent criminal record and possibly even sending you to jail. That is why you need to speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible about your case. Gelman Law, LLC has successfully represented clients charged with child pornography in Camden County, Burlington County, Gloucester County, Cherry Hill Township, and throughout New Jersey. Call 856-861-4236 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 850 Rt 70 West Cherry Hill, NJ 08002.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.