South Jersey Cocaine Possession and Distribution Defense Attorney

Dedicated Cocaine Charges Lawyer Vigorously Defends Clients in Camden County, Burlington County, and Throughout New Jersey
Cocaine possession and distribution charges are serious offenses in New Jersey. If you face such charges, you should speak with the experienced South Jersey cocaine possession and distribution defense attorney at Gelman Law, LLC. Our team will protect your rights and will prepare a vigorous defense for you based on the specifics of your case. Our goal is to dismiss or reduce the charges you face. With a deep understanding of the law, our cocaine charges lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ will explore every possible avenue to validate your innocence. However, even if you are found guilty, we will seek to get you admitted into a diversionary program that can help you avoid jail time and/or fines.
Facing Drug Charges And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.
Understanding Cocaine Possession Under New Jersey Law
Cocaine-related charges are serious criminal offenses in New Jersey, and the penalties for such charges are harsh. According to the New Jersey state statutes, the possession of cocaine—even small amounts of the substance—is a felony charge, since cocaine is a dangerous controlled substance.
While cocaine possession is usually considered a felony charge, the state of New Jersey does not use the same terminology found in other jurisdictions for criminal charges. Minor crimes—often referred to as misdemeanors in other states—are called disorderly persons offenses in New Jersey. Serious crimes—often referred to as felonies in other states—are called indictable offenses in New Jersey. Based on these definitions, cocaine possession is an indictable offense.
A South Jersey cocaine possession and distribution defense attorney at Gelman Law, LLC can help you fight the charges you face. Do not lose hope; contact a qualified cocaine charges lawyer in Camden County, NJ at Gelman Law, LLC for assistance with your case.
New Jersey Revised Statutes N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 on Cocaine Possession
The laws on the possession of cocaine in New Jersey are outlined in N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. According to this statute, it is illegal in New Jersey to possess any amount of cocaine. Any crime that involves the possession of cocaine is categorized as a third-degree indictable felony. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you could face jail time of between 3 and 5 years, fines of up to $35,000, and a 6-month driver’s license suspension for cocaine possession.
In New Jersey, third-degree crimes come with a presumption of no jail time. This means other alternatives can be pursued for first-time offenders. Examples include probation and diversionary programs such as PTI, or Pre-Trial Intervention. By enrolling in a PTI program, your charges can be suspended and ultimately dismissed as long as you complete the program’s requirements during probation. This gives South Jersey cocaine possession and distribution defense attorney David Gelman an effective strategy to protect you from jail time in the event of a guilty verdict for the charges you face.
Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance With Intent to Distribute
Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance
Getting Your Charges Dropped with the Assistance of a South Jersey Cocaine Possession and Distribution Defense Attorney
There are many situations in which the criminal charges you face can be dropped. These include:
- Forms or documents that were incorrectly filed by the police
- Lost evidence
- Illegally obtained evidence
- Lack of probable cause for you to have been searched in the first place
If you had no knowledge of—or no control over—the cocaine in question, we can also seek to fight your charges under these circumstances.
Each of these situations is unique, and the laws and specifications that apply to them are also governed by specific statutes. This is why you must speak to an experienced cocaine charges lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ at our firm, so that we can prepare a strong defense on your behalf.
To do that, we will conduct a thorough investigation of the drug charges you face, including how and where you were arrested or charged. We will also investigate the claims of the prosecution regarding your case and how the case evidence was obtained. The Constitution protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures, so if you were unfairly or illegally stopped or searched without just cause, or your home was searched without a warrant or other forms of evidence were improperly obtained, a South Jersey cocaine possession and distribution defense attorney at Gelman Law, LLC can use these facts to potentially have your charges dismissed altogether.
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New Jersey Revised Statutes N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5 on Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing Cocaine
According to N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5, it is illegal to distribute cocaine in the state of New Jersey. However, the severity of the charges you face will depend on the measured weight of the controlled substance that is associated with the offenses you are alleged to have committed.
The courts will use the following sliding scale to determine the charges and the associated consequences you potentially face for cocaine distribution charges in New Jersey:
- 3rd degree cocaine distribution: This involves less than 1/2 an ounce of cocaine and comes with potential incarceration of between 3 and 5 years and maximum fines of $75,000, but comes with the presumption of non-incarceration.
- 2nd degree cocaine distribution: This involves between 1/2 an ounce to 5 ounces of cocaine and comes with potential jail time of between 5 and 10 years, but comes with a presumption of incarceration.
- 1st degree cocaine distribution: This involves 5+ ounces of cocaine, even if adulterants or dilutants are added. Such crimes are punishable by anywhere between 10 and 20 years in prison and fines of up to $500,000.
Every case and situation is unique, and other factors will also come into play when determining the severity of your charges. These factors include any past criminal history you may have, whether any minors were involved in the alleged crime, and where the alleged crime took place, such as in a school zone or on school property, or in a public park.
Contact a Skilled South Jersey Cocaine Possession and Distribution Defense Attorney with Gelman Law, LLC Today
Our offices are just a phone call away. Do not underestimate the long-term impact of cocaine-related charges. We can help you fight the charges you face to potentially avoid jail time and fines, so contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cocaine Possession and Distribution in New Jersey
Once convicted, you will have a criminal record. This can impact the employment opportunities open to you, even your ability to pursue professional licensing, receive loans, and live in public housing or receive student funding. You may also be required to complete a drug rehabilitation program and potentially complete community service. It’s important to contact a qualified cocaine charges lawyer in Camden County, NJ at our firm as soon as possible in order to avoid a conviction.
If you are a first-time offender, you may qualify for PTI, but this only applies if you have never pled guilty to an indictable offense before. Experienced South Jersey cocaine possession and distribution defense attorney David Gelman will review your case to devise the best possible defense for you, so do not hesitate to reach out to us for legal assistance today.